Virgil Reality Writing

Articles and Stories

Creating narrative for clients is a key part of my work. This includes requirements definitions, presentations, submissions, sales stories, research and brand narratives. I contribute articles exploring the state of current and emerging technologies, while also exploring the realm of fiction.

Latest Articles

Virgil Reality, Embracing the Suck.

Embracing the Suck

You suck. AI sucks. Change sucks. We always want new technology to work as well as mature technology. We’ve moved on from the bugs we had to endure, and the enormous social change that occurred. How do we cope with this?

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Virgil Reality, Are you an IT Failure?

Are you an IT Failure?

Jim Johnson (founder of the Standish Group) undertook research on IT project failure. This was in 1994. Jim and his team wanted to find out what was the cause of project failure and find ways to reduce it. By 2006 they had amassed a huge amount of data. In their 1994 report, they found that 84% of projects failed or had challenges.

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Virgil Reality, The Reality of AI Design.

What’s the Reality of AI Design?

Recently I’ve been experimenting with AI generative tools from a technical and workflow perspective. By ingesting the text, images and other digital assets of humanity, these large language and visual models are as much a mirror as an interesting technology.

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Virgil Reality, Paint it Black AI Workflow.

Paint It Black AI Workflow

Recently, I’ve been putting together some material for a friend’s band tour to Vietnam and Cambodia. This has been a great opportunity to try another AI Workflow experiment.

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Virgil Reality, AI Survivor. A practical guide.

AI Survivor. A practical guide

Now that the AI revolution is here, the clock is ticking for you and/or your business. The potential for job displacement, business disruption and increased competition is high. What should you be thinking about to adapt, innovate, and thrive, in this brave new digital world?

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Virgil Reality, Quantum Leap.

Quantum Leap

In a manner befitting its existence, Quantum Computing is here and also not. On the one hand you can’t buy one at Harvey Norman, on the other they’re already operating and calculating the mysteries of once intractable problems.

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Fictional Stories

In the works 'Detective Rabbit' and 'The Smell of Poverty,' I've explored AI Voice Generation and Cloning. Also Generative Images; experimenting with these mediums, and creating a video for each. The text, written by Virgil Reality, is original and human-generated.

Detective Rabbit

What happens if Law and Order and Winnie the Pooh were the same universe? In this parody by Virgil Reality we find out if Detective Rabbit can catch the perp (now with Generative AI Voice Version).

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Virgil Reality, The Smell of Poverty

The Smell of Poverty (now on Amazon)

The local council manages a commercial kitchen at the back of the hall I’m heading to. It was previously owned by a lodge or business association and now hosts senior citizens' meetings...

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